Yep! I'm that mom.

The one that doesn't give her kids conventional soda drinks or all the junk-food loaded with artificial dyes, preservatives, and high-fructose corn syrup.

The one that reads every ingredient label, cuts out seed oils, and will spend the extra money on healthier alternatives.

If you're like me, I know you'll appreciate these products!

I quickly realized that there was not a soda on the market that I felt consciously good about giving my toddler.

Therefore, I created one myself!

Sodee Pop is a clean kid's soda (but adults love them too!)

They contain ZERO high-fructose corn syrup and ZERO dyes or artificial colors!

I meticulously sourced all the high-quality ingredients, worked with an incredible team to formulate, carbonate, and put in the cutest 8oz cans so kids everywhere can enjoy a yummy, fizzy drink.

And let's be honest.. most kids don't finish a full 12oz can anyway!

Sodee Pop was created because I truly believe what we put into our bodies matters. I want to give all parents out there a clean alternative to offer their kids and feel guilt-free about it.

It's a win-win!

I am so proud of these products and know you are going to love them!

Thank YOU for supporting my small business with a big purpose. 

XOXO- Kamaree

(Wife, Nurse, Health-Conscious Mama)